Thursday, August 29, 2024

Fall is near!

Fall does not appear anywhere in Florida except for a few Halloween costumes in Costco!   We are getting a lot of rain but it is in the form of late afternoon thunderstorms.   The grass is green and everything is lush with crepe myrtles still in bloom.   We are free of hurricanes for another week or so but they predict September and October to be more active months with the possibility of tropical storms.  

Ron has good days and not-so-good days but we feel the medication for Parkinson's Disease has eased some of the symptoms.    

We both keep busy with routine house chores and computer work to keep things going smoothly with our safe houses in Asia.   Ron is busy helping schedule appointments for Ronald and Gigi's October-December trip for them to report to supporters.     

Two weeks ago, we got up early and traveled to Central church of Christ in Winter Haven, FL.   We went to meet Bill and Joyce Perkins there.   Bill is one of the elders.   They actually live in Ft. Myers and drive 40 minutes to attend this congregation.    Bill and Joyce moved from New York to Florida five years ago to help Joyce's sister and brother-in-law.   We visited in their home in New York at least 20 years ago and they have supported our work ever since.   It was time for us to say hello again and thank them for their help.    We had lunch at a small but very good restaurant, and then drove back home.   It was about a 2-hour trip each direction.

Things are going along smoothly so I actually have no big news to report.   They say no news is good news and sometimes that is very true.   We like our routine lifestyle and appreciate the calmness and quietness of our home here in Dunedin.   Many in our building are away for the summer as they are winter occupants of the condos, leaving homes during the winter months.  There are no activities going on but we hear ambulances often as there is a nursing home across the street from us.   Someone said that is a convenient plus for us but I'm hoping that would be necessary.   

Leigh Ann comes (usually on Saturday) and we cook a meal together.   She and I go to our pool and swim and chat for a couple of hours.    There may be one or two old ladies to come to the pool but most days there is no one but us.   It will get busier when all the other occupants come back from up north but for the summer we almost have our own private pool.  It is heated all winter so some swim even on cold days.   

I keep a puzzle going on the end of the coffee table to have something challenging to do when I have a few minutes of free time.   

Our clubhouse is full of puzzles, games and books for anyone to borrow.  

Ron has stopped driving at night so we watch on-line services from different churches on Wednesday night and Sunday night (sometimes other nights during the week also).   When we lived in North GA, Ron insisted on us going out on Friday morning to do our errands and shopping and have lunch out.  Since we came here, we have not kept that practice but a couple of weeks ago, Ron told me to start getting my work caught up to take Fridays off.   

We don't go to the expensive restaurants but usually have a sandwich or salad at one of the fast food restaurants or bring home a precooked meal from Publix.  After running errands and unloading groceries, it is good to not have to prepare lunch.   

I know he does this for me but he also enjoys getting out since we stay home all week.

Just posting a small amount of nothing to let everyone know we are doing fine.   

Keep Ron's health in your prayers as he continues to face the progressive symptoms of Parkinson's Disease.     

Sending best wishes and many blessings from God to you with our thanks and love to all.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

August brings more hot days!

Two weeks ago, we rode through tropical storm Debbie without damage here in our area.   We got heavy bands of rain for about 24 hours before it actually gained hurricane strength moving further north up the Florida coast.   We drove to church services with dry roads but as class was ending the downpours began.   When we left the building, we had only light rain all the way back home.   Our backyard puddled with the heavy rain but quickly drained away and there was no flooding    The pond where our drain water ends up is full up to the top of the bank.

There was heavy flooding in Sarasota, FL (south of us) in areas of large nice homes with water getting trapped and nowhere to drain.  People had to be rescued from their homes with streets submerged and cars under water.   Those people have it rough cleaning up their houses, filing insurance claims and getting back to normal.  

The latest development is now a hurricane on its way to Bermuda.   I hope the people there will be safe over this weekend.   We will watch the forecast for future storms as we are not yet into the peak of the season.   September is usually the month to really watch.

Our work is busy but progressing the same as before.  It is difficult for me to keep it current with too much flow of reports and things to do daily.   But, I have not been sick and am thankful I am able to do what needs to be done.

Ron, on the other hand, is struggling more with a recent diagnosis by the neurologist at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville starting him on medication for Parkinson's Disease.   While this is not good news, the medication is working and making him feel a lot better.    We know things could be much worse and we will deal with the limitations and progression of this disease.   We have friends with it and know a little about how it will change our lives.   We will be sticking closer to home and not traveling very much.  Ron doesn't want to give up anything but it will be necessary as time goes on.    We are thankful we are near Leigh Ann and Tatum to help us when we cannot manage on our own.

Ronald and Gigi will return to the U.S. October 10 for two months to report on our work and their work in the Philippines.   They will have a busy schedule and we will not get to see them on this trip.   We will hope for a visit when they come back in the spring of 2025.

We are concerned about the election of a new president.   We know we don't have many years left to worry about the state of the nation but we want it to return to a Christian nation and be more what God would want it to be.   The direction it is going is of great concern for future generations and for the church.

I hope to have pictures and more interesting things to report in my next segment.  Keep us in your prayers,  especially Ron. God bless you!