Friday, September 27, 2024

Goodbye Helena!

We are safe but we endured 24 hours without electricity.   The winds were very strong and rain came in waves for several hours as the storm passed on north past the Tampa Bay.   There was still lots of damage in this area even with the storm about 100 miles out to sea.   It was a huge storm with powerful winds.   

The metal roof over cars in one parking area blew off and landed in our front yard and blocks out sidewalk.  But no cars were damaged.  It just blew off and part of it is standing up neatly near the trees.   We have limbs and debris all over the yard but our lawn service will probably have it cleaned up next week.

We felt safe in this condo   The only evacuations were for mobile homes, campers and the manufactures homes which are mostly house trailers on a foundation.    No one in our building left.   People along the waterfront had to evacuate due to an 8' storm surge in this area.   

Today, without power, Ron and I took a 30 minute walk, put a puzzle together and played a game of scrabble.   We took it easy since we were not pushed to work on the computer.   We needed the rest anyway. We will be back on schedule next week.    

Many people checked on us.  God is good and we are safe.  

Thank you so much!

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Helena is not a welcomed visitor!

Other than preparing and expecting a hurricane, we are doing well. 

A Hurricane Watch for Helena has been issued for the Gulf Coast of Florida from Englewood northward and westward to Indian Pass, including Tampa Bay.

With our condo in Dunedin just north of Tampa, we are a few miles from Tampa Bay so we watch the forecast for storms that head into this area.    Helena will intensify and become a hurricane before it gets this far north but at the forecast today is will pass along side east Florida and make landfall toward the panhandle which includes Tallahassee.    We will start having rain by Wednesday night and expect heavy rain on Thursday and Friday.   

I have brought in pots, plants, chairs and things from the patio that could be blown away.   We have plenty of water and food on hand with other storm supplies such as a weather radio, batteries, flashlights, etc.   Our building is inspected once a year for soundness and according to the long-time residents, it has never flooded.   

Leigh Ann's condo is in a flood plane so she would come stay with us if she receives an evacuation notice.  Tatum's condo in Tampa is not in a flood area. Leigh Ann has gone to stay with her in the past. 

Pray for us and others in the path of this strong storm.    After the storm passes, I will post that we are safe if we do not lose power.  God bless everyone.