Wednesday, February 19, 2025

I can't believe it!

Checking temperatures across the U.S. and seeing the weather news of the Polar Vortex, I wonder what happened to "global warming?"    I guess the "warming" part didn't work so we changed it to "climate change" and that takes care of it whether it is too hot or too cold.    It has surely been a very cold winter this year and we are even happier now that we are in Florida than before.    While we've had some cool weather, we surely cannot complain.  

Ron has been swimming in our heated (outside) pool at the condo for the past month.   We went down to the pool at 9:30 this morning so he could swim before rain moves in this afternoon.  The exercise seems to be helping.   He's sleeping and eating well after he works out for an hour in the pool.    I go to watch him swim and take my break in the warm sun.   If we go early in the day, there are usually no people at the pool.

We've had our yearly checkups and everything seems okay.  Next week, I will be at the dentists' office to get a crown and filling.   I have endured a lot of dental work due to my dry mouth condition.   God made our systems perfect and when something does not function right, it affects other things.   No saliva for 40 years will surely result in tooth decay.

We still enjoy Leigh Ann's visits every weekend.   We usually put a puzzle together every Sunday afternoon.   Some recent ones were very difficult.   

Ronald and Gigi will return to the U.S. on March 4th for a couple of months.   They will renew Gigi's VISA/green card status.  Ronald has some dental work to complete.   They are looking forward to the first two weeks living in their new condo in Cartersville, GA.    They barely got things moved in before they returned to the Philippines last December.    At the orphanage, they never get a break with 30 kids and the many things that are going on all the time.    They will visit more congregations on this trip and plan to come to see us.   It has been a year since we have seen them so we look forward to their visit.

Our work continues on about the same...caring for approximately 300 girls and being sure they have an opportunity for a good life, a chance for an education and biblical teaching.   Quite a number of girls are baptized each year and become faithful Christian girls.    One girl in Nepal just left the safe house to marry and her new husband is also a Christian.    It is rewarding to us and the girls' sponsors to learn about their success in life.

We have a new safe house to open in Laos soon.   I'll have pictures and details about this new addition on my next post. 

A group of 20 people were recently baptized by one of our church of Christ ministers in Nepal.   They were all from a local Baptist church but upon learning more about the New Testament pattern of worship and becoming Christians, they left that church.   They are meeting in a hen house, on property belong to one of the members.    Ron has raised money to begin construction for a simple church building so they will have a better place to meet for worship.   I hope to have pictures of this to post next time also.

We appreciate so many checking on us and sending best wishes to Ron.   Thank you for your concern and prayers.