On Ron's recent trip to Changde, he met with two hospitals. You can see the welcome banner they put up outside the hospital in the background. This is an excellent hospital and does both heart surgeries and cleft palate surgeries. It is the one that has a contract with Smile Train to do cleft palate surgeries but they said they did not do any for Smile Train this past year. Ron will find out if Smile Train will allow them to use this hospital this summer for the next medical mission. If not, there is another hospital that is available in Changde, but it's smaller and not as well equipped as this hospital.

Ron was invited to come check out these hospitals by Lilly, a nurse who worked about three years ago at our cleft palate medical mission. Her husband is a brain surgeon and they are wonderful people. They are on the right in the picture with their son to their left. Their son will go to the U.S. to study and become a doctor. The girl in the brown coat, seated next to Ron in the photograph, is also a nurse who worked at the last medical mission. She plans to go to the U.S. to study to be a RN. Lilly and her husband have formed this first congregation of the Lord's people that we know of in that city.

Ron worked out an arrangement with this hospital where they will do heart surgeries for us at a very reasonable cost. They said there are many poor children in this area with congential heart disease. Jackie, our worker in Xi'an over the medical program, will make a trip and check out potential children and schedule surgeries.
It was a very profitable trip. Not only do we save children's lives; we also develop goodwill with the government in another area of China that gives more credibility to our work. This has been the foundation of our goal all along - to serve mankind as Christ would have us do and prepare the field to spread the Gospel. More and more we see the trust developing as we serve the poor and orphaned children in China.
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