Sunday, August 30, 2009

We have overcome the jetlag once again!

It has been a very busy week and the tiredness that sets in on a return trip is indescribable. We came home to a huge stack of mail and many things to handle. After a month,the house was dirty and we brought home three suitcases full of dirty clothes. When I could hardly stay awake, I would go walking or do laundry. Finally, I am sleeping most of the night, although I still get only six hours of sleep. It is better than waking after three hours and staying awake the rest of the night. My body kept saying, "It's afternoon in China, you don't need to sleep now!" We will continue our work here until our next trip in November. We must find another location for an orphanage on that trip and begin our research to locate hospitals for the two medical missions that we will have next year. Ron plans an open-heart medical mission in March and another cleft palate/cleft lip medical mission next August or September. I will post anything else that is really news of interest in the meantime. Thanks to everyone for your prayers on our behalf while we are traveling. It is comforting to know that so many people care and are supporting our work. May God bless everyone in your daily lives.

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