We are like Gypsies,
moving to a new location every few weeks.
This isn’t exactly what most people think of when they say they want to
travel and see the world, but we do see a lot of things, places and people. Blogger keeps changing it's format so my pictures are not well spaced in this segment. I have to read up again on how to do this stuff.
In January, we put 616 miles on the RV and 884 additional miles on the car as we traveled back and forth from the RV to churches in each area. Ron and I are doing well. We have the usual aches and pains for our age, but we are able to continue doing our work. Ron tells people he knows more than he can remember. His other favorite saying is “I can now hide my own Easter eggs.” He is proud that he’s still alive (and able to work) at this age – I don’t tell my age but he does, and then people know how old I am also. I tell him it’s like little children that say after a birthday, “I’m going on 3-l/2 now.” To start telling people you are 76 when your birthday is still six months away shows you are reverting back to childhood!
We returned to Texas
before Thanksgiving. We always enjoy
our time with the Lewisville church so much and now it seems more like home
when we get back there. When we return,
we park at a Corp of Engineers’ park in Hickory Creek and at another one across
the Lewisville Lake at a park owned by the City of Lewisville. We are now familiar with roads in the area
and can easily find all the places we need to go. This time, we added another park owned by the
city of Highland Village. We can only
stay two weeks in each location although after 14 days, we can return to two of
the parks. You have to be away 28 days
to go back to the City of Lewisville park.
To move, we have to put everything away in the RV, strap everything down
so it won’t shift around during driving and then reset up again when we arrive
at the next park. Therefore, it’s a lot
of trouble and a bit of a nuisance. I
can understand the limitation of not letting people park long-term,
however. When we have to park at a
regular RV park, people can make reservations for a month or a year so these
parks have a lot more junk around each camper.
We stayed at one in Richmond, TX (south of Houston) that looked more
like a junk yard than a park. It turned
out to be a good stay but the view out my window as I worked was of three old
dilapidated pick-up trucks (I don’t think any of them would run) that were used
for some working guy’s warehouse of tools, materials and equipment. He lived next to the trucks in a very small
camper. The park was quiet, had sewage
connection and we could pick up free a Wi-Fi connection. At Corp of Engineer parks, we have security
with a gate guard and a car pass is required to come and go. The main gate to the park is locked at 10
p.m. and opens at 6 a.m. Anyone can
drive out of the park, but no one can drive in during those hours. The private RV parks do not have any
security.In January, we put 616 miles on the RV and 884 additional miles on the car as we traveled back and forth from the RV to churches in each area. Ron and I are doing well. We have the usual aches and pains for our age, but we are able to continue doing our work. Ron tells people he knows more than he can remember. His other favorite saying is “I can now hide my own Easter eggs.” He is proud that he’s still alive (and able to work) at this age – I don’t tell my age but he does, and then people know how old I am also. I tell him it’s like little children that say after a birthday, “I’m going on 3-l/2 now.” To start telling people you are 76 when your birthday is still six months away shows you are reverting back to childhood!
We were in the
Greenville, TX area during the Christmas and New Year holidays. We went into Greenville to have lunch with a
friend on Christmas Day and then we hurried back to the RV parked at Boles
Children’s Home (also known as Arms of Hope or Medina) at Quinlan. It started snowing before we got back and
then for the afternoon we watched a blizzard outside our windows. It was very quiet on the campus of this orphanage
since most of the children and staff had gone somewhere for the holidays.
Ron and I went to see
Les Miserables in Greenville, TX as our treat for the holidays. It is a very sad and depressing story but
the acting and singing were fabulous if you like that kind of production. We saw the Broadway production in Montreal,
Quebec in 1991 but it probably was in French (I know I didn’t understand most
of it). We didn’t have close up seats so
I didn’t get into it or appreciate it very much that time. Understanding the story and singing helped,
even though it was really sad.
We were fortunate to
park in the driveway of the minister’s house in Bay City, TX a couple of weeks
ago. He installed a 50 amp plug in his
garage just for us to use. It was a little
challenge getting into the driveway because of low limbs on the huge live oak
trees that grow in this area. Larry, the
minister, actually got his ladder and saw and cut some limbs so we could back
in safely. We spent five days at their
home and had a fabulous time. Mary Ann
cooked for us the first night we arrived but after that, we each cooked part of
the meal and put it together at their house.
We really enjoyed the food and fellowship.
We arrived in Port
Aransas (Port A to the locals) two weeks ago.
We have to cross a bay by ferry to get to this area unless we want to go
a long way around that has a bridge over to Mustang Island and on to Port
Aransas. This is not us! It's the smallest camper I have even seen!
I nearly freaked out the first
time we drove the RV (40’ long with the car pulled behind) onto the ferry. We were the first to drive on and they
motioned for us to come all the way to the very front. Brave woman guided us on!
We were sitting up so high, it seemed that we would just go on over if we went forward a little bit more. I posted pictures on Facebook a year ago because it was an awesome view from our high seat in the RV. This time, it wasn’t nearly as frightening. I’ve seen that 18
wheelers and other large vehicles, gas tankers and construction trucks go back and forth over the ferries all the time. Four ferries go back and forth 24 hours a day for five days. They have a few less running over the weekends. Dolphins were playing in front of the ferries as they cross.
We were sitting up so high, it seemed that we would just go on over if we went forward a little bit more. I posted pictures on Facebook a year ago because it was an awesome view from our high seat in the RV. This time, it wasn’t nearly as frightening. I’ve seen that 18
wheelers and other large vehicles, gas tankers and construction trucks go back and forth over the ferries all the time. Four ferries go back and forth 24 hours a day for five days. They have a few less running over the weekends. Dolphins were playing in front of the ferries as they cross.
The GPS does not
recognize the ferry and says “Go straight ahead on highway 316”. I guess 316 in this particular area is also
called “Cemetery Road” and by the time we are in the middle of the waterway,
the GPS is saying “Take Cemetery Road.”
I told Ron that’s not a very comforting comment when I’m already nervous
that a ferry could go “down.” It is a
quick crossing and we see dolphins, pelicans, fishing boats and even large
tankers come by so it is very interesting.
We are near Corpus Christi and Padre Island so hurricanes have come into this area in the past. On Friday, we walked to the beach. It is about l-l/2 miles each way. We didn’t stay – just looked around and took some pictures and walked back. Both of us had one knee hurting by the time we got back to the RV. Our old joints aren’t what they used to be.
Port Aransas borders
the Gulf of Mexico so the ocean we were viewing was the Gulf. Just down the strip of land from Port A,
there’s a strip of land called Mustang Island.
Further down toward Mexico is Padre Island. A lot of college kids come to this area for
spring break. I remember than many years
ago, Ronald came to Padre Island for spring break from Abilene. Last night, it sounded like kids had already
arrived. We woke up at 2:30 a.m. because of car racing on the street next to
the RV park. It went on for about l/2
hour. By that time, I was awake and
could not sleep for the next two hours.
Ron said he never did go back to sleep.
He heard a barge or large ship come through (the water is just on the
other side of the street about 4:30 a.m.
If they blow their horns as they come through the port, they are
sometimes very loud.
We have enjoyed some
good fellowship and meals with church members in this area. It’s our third year to come down here so we
know a lot of people and meet some new ones on each trip. The restaurants with seafood are especially
good, but not cheap. The seafood is
brought in fresh from the ocean by commercial fishermen, so it’s delicious.
Today, Feb. 3rd
is our last day here. We will go down
the valley to San Benita, McAllen, and Brownsville from here. This carries us almost to Mexico but we don’t
get too close to the border. There are
a lot of Hispanics in these cities and in stores and restaurants Spanish is
about all we hear spoken. It is
dangerous in the southern cities so we don’t venture out shopping or
exploring. We will visit churches in this
area for about two weeks. We can park
at the Sunny Glen Children’s Home and at the church building in McAllen. There are no lakes or Corp of Engineer
parks) in southern Texas.
Ron stays very busy
making appointments, planning the trips, keeping the RV in good repair and
working on the computer at least 8 hours every day. Some days, he is on the computer much longer
but with appointments and travel, it’s broken up from time-to-time. When we are parked, I am also working. I just completed the dreaded tax letters to
our contributors. I am thankful for all
the donations but being required by law to get a tax letter to everyone in
January is quite a task. The law, like
many other laws, does not make sense anyway.
To back up a donation, IRS requires that you obtain a letter for any charitable
donation of $250 or more. The strange
thing to me is, you could give 100 donations of $249 and IRS would not require
a letter but claiming one donation of $250 needs a letter for the individual’s
tax records. As an accommodation to our
sponsors, I prepare letters also listing all of their donations (including
those under $250) if they gave as much as $250 in total.
Leigh Ann and I made
a deal this year – she handled all of the reports and letters from the care
centers in China, sending everything to the children’s sponsors, while I worked
on tax letters in January. Usually, we
divide up the work but this seemed to be the easiest for both of us this month. This is the last day of January and all the tax
letters are out and Leigh Ann is caught up on her work from China. Groundhog Day is coming soon, but we won’t
care about his prediction since we will be in the warmer climate for the next
month or six weeks.
We had a wonderful
surprise last week. A young man from
Lithuania was just like a son to us while we were in Montreal, Quebec
(1991-1998). We lost track of him and
when we saw an email from him, we almost jumped up with joy. He searched the internet and found us because
of our work in China. Technology can be
used in a bad way but it’s wonderful in so many ways. I have located lost friends on Facebook and
searching the internet. I also found
Jason, another young man that came into our lives in St. Croix in 1985, by
searching the internet recently. It is
truly a shame to let people out of our lives and not keep in touch but over the
years with us all going our separate ways, it’s going to happen. We are so grateful for the opportunity to
meet up with these young men again and also to be able to chat with our son in
China, our daughter-in-law in the Philippines and our daughter and
granddaughter in Atlanta, all just a minute away by email or Skype.
We miss our family so
much but keeping in touch helps some.
Ronald, our son, has the charity hospital in Henan about 98%
completed. He has worked 7 days a week
since mid-July. It’s not been an easy
task, as he faced many obstacles. I
don’t know how he’s hung in the way he has under difficult circumstances. The government gave him a small apartment
and furnished two of his meals a day, but it’s minimal. Very few people would live in these conditions
at all, much less for more than six months. He seldom has hot water or internet and the
meals are not good. Gigi, Ronald’s wife
from the Philippines, was able to get a VISA to be with him for three
months. She had never experienced cold
weather before and she saw snow for the first time. She told me they rode the motor bike to the
market (I think she cooked more of their meals when she got there). I am sure it was hard for her but I’m also
certain that she brought much joy to Ronald’s life just getting to share life
with her. (Hardships of life are easier
when we are with someone we love.) Gigi
returned to the Philippines mid-January.
They are trying to plan their future now that the major projects are
King, a Chinese boy
of 13, came to the U.S. in 2006 for skin graft surgeries. His parents were killed in a house fire and
King was burned very badly over much of his body. He lived with us (and part of the time with a
family in Ashland City, TN) for 19 months.
He was home-schooled in English until he could go to public school in
Georgia. He went to the 8th
grade there. He returned to China by the
9th grade but they put him back one year because of his Chinese (he
had been away a couple of years by this time).
King graduated from high school in June, 2012. On January 3rd, he entered Four
Seas Bible College in Singapore. Classes
are taught by American professors in English so King had to brush up on his
English to be able to take these courses.
He says it’s a little hard but he is sure he will be able to succeed and
he’s promised himself that he will do it.
This is probably the greatest confidence I have seen in him. He is now 20 years old. We are so proud that he has overcome so many
obstacles in his life and remains strong and determined to have a good
We still have many
churches to visit in many cities of Texas.
Texas really is big! That claim
is well-established when you travel around.
We have also found Texans wonderful people. Everything may be the biggest and best in the
state, but they should boast about having some of the nicest people in the
world too. The economy is still good in
Texas. We see signs “Hiring” and
businesses are all busy. Today, we had
lunch with Phyllis and Gerald Lee, dear friends in Portland, who own a Century
21 Real Estate business. Phyllis said
sales are good. I probably would not
hear that if I talked with Bobbie, my friend in Georgia at Century 21. We hope the economy will continue to improve
in every state.
Until I can find time
to write again, may God bless you all!
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