We have been in Mukdahan since Nov. 15, 2019. We hope to depart for the USA about the first week of April 2020. From Thailand we have visited some of our safe houses in Nepal (14) and Laos (5). Our girls at these locations are very happy to be in our safe houses. They are learning God’s word and safe from the potential trafficking world of evil (sex slavery). They have a good life and love their house parents. They have a great appreciation for their sponsors in the USA. Over one hundred have become Christians and are active in the local congregations.
Thailand is the center of all
trafficking from Southeast Asia. An estimated five million pass through
Thailand to other nations and are sold to be sex slaves each year. They have no idea that they will be sold into
slavery. They believe they will have
jobs and a good life because of the lies of the trafficking recruiters. The
average age of these girls is 12 to 14 years old. They are innocent victims of evil trafficking
criminals. Women are often used in
trafficking because the girls will more easily trust women than men.
Our new safe house shown in the photos
is under construction and will house 60 vulnerable girls when completed. We hope to complete the construction by
May. Girls in our temporary house in
Mukdahan will be relocated to the new safe house.
The new safe house in Mukdahan will be
self-sustaining with a fish pond growing fish, vegetable garden and fruit
orchid (papaya, bananas, mango and other fruits.) Since rice is grown in the local area it will
be purchased directly from the farmers at reduced cost. A program will be established with local
retail stores whereby they will provide day old bread and bakery items free of
charge to the safe house.
According to the Thailand Ministry of Social Development and
Human Security, numbers of foreign children being trafficked to Thailand for sexual
exploitation is on the increase. They are trafficked from neighboring countries
such as Cambodia, China (Yunnan Province), Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam while Thai
children are trafficked into sex businesses abroad, such as in Japan and
Australia via Malaysia and Hong Kong. For internal trafficking, the majority of
the trafficked victims are hill tribe girls aged around 12 to 16 years old from
the north and northeastern part of Thailand. They are usually sent to closed
brothels, which operate under prison-like conditions. (Coalition against Trafficking
in Women Asia Pacific. Trafficking in Women and Prostitution in the Asia
Pacific cited in Fact book – Thailand.)
On our visit to Laos we visited seven
congregations of the Lord’s church along the Mekong River near Luang Prabang,
Laos. We gave aid to 56 families of
Christians. Much more needs to be done
to help these poor Christians who have a very difficult life. The government of Laos hates these Christians
because they fought against the communist takeover of Laos many years ago. The
government uses many means to persecute our brothers and sisters of Laos. We have several plans to help these poor
Christians have a better life. We will
share these plans with you as we develop more details.
Nepal is one of the poorest nations in
the world and yet we have Christians who are very dedicated to our Lord. We always enjoy our fellowship with these
poor brothers and sisters in Christ.
Poverty does not prevent them from serving the Lord.
Nepal is known to be one of the most
beautiful countries in the world. However, the fact that Nepal is a poor
country stands true. The question of why is Nepal a poor country has emerged
over the minds of many. Those who look at the living style of Kathmandu are
amazed to know that more than 25.2 percent of Nepal’s population lives below
the poverty line.
The employed population of Nepal (almost
12.5%) earns below 1.90 US dollars per day. Out of every 1000 babies born in
Nepal, 29 die before their first birthday solely due to poverty. The following are reasons for the Nepal
poverty: political instability, corrupt government, lack of industry,
one-fourth of the people live below the poverty line, migration of youth to
foreign nations for employment, bad neighbors (China and India), natural
disasters and outdated farming practices.
By converting the people to Christianity
a great deal of the poverty would be corrected.
Christians always make a better nation of people. This is a proven fact. The Lord’s church is growing in Nepal and SAS
is saving many lives which would be destroyed in the brothels of India and Arab
nations. Twenty thousand girls are sold
into sex slavery from Nepal each year.
Seven thousand girls are sold to the brothels of India each year
according to the Nepal government. We have a great opportunity to save the
lives and souls of these girls.
See the attached photos of our safe house under
construction in the Philippines. Another
poor nation which ranks number 68 in the list of poor nations. Nepal is number 30. Our Philippine safe house will house 24
girls and we will need much more capacity to stop the flow of girls to Japan
brothels. In the Philippines,
prostitution is illegal, but the Philippine sex industry makes $6 billion
a year — placing it 9th on the list of the top spenders on prostitution. (Ahead
of it is China [$73 billion], Spain [$26.5 billion], Japan [$24 billion], and
the United States [US$14.6 billion].) Filipino
girls are purchased by the Japan Mafia at under US$100 each in many cases. These girls are destroyed by the Mafia. We must do everything possible to save their
lives and souls. Our new building is a
beginning point to save lives and souls of Filipino girls.
If you are not a member of our team, please contact me
and enroll in the saving of lives and souls of young innocent girls of
Asia. No, we cannot save all the girls
around the world (36 million sex slaves in 2020) but we can save many from
death and hell with your help. Please
let us know today that you want to be a part of this good work for the Lord.
In His service,
Ron & Pat Brown with over two hundred team members making a life for poor Asian girls and giving them hope of eternal life.
In His service,
Ron & Pat Brown with over two hundred team members making a life for poor Asian girls and giving them hope of eternal life.

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