We will have a little more than a week to visit them if we can get a flight back to the U.S. on March 20. It is still doubtful that we can fly from South Korea due to the virus outbreak. It is not happening in Seoul at this time but the flight may be cancelled because of a lack of passengers. The option is still open to fly from Taipei, Taiwan at this time. That is a much longer flight to Dallas (16+ hours in the air).

It will be ready for the first service of the church of Christ in this area on March 15th. They intend to invite everyone they know but it is hard to know how many will come. Ron will preach. Gigi has asked him to teach about the two covenants because the Catholics still follow so much of the old law because of their priesthood. It is not an easy lesson to teach, especially to people who may have a limited knowledge of the Bible. I'm sure Ron will do a good job.
March 15th is our 62nd wedding anniversary so this will be a special day for several reasons. I have asked them NOT to plan a party because we never do anything except go out to eat each year. The Philippine people love parties so I don't know what Gigi will plan for that day. Maybe it will be the first Sunday for the Lord's church and their first potluck meal too!
Ronald and Gigi have purchased a van for the children as they raised sufficient funds for it on their last trip to the U.S.
The children they have at the orphanage now have adjusted well and seem to be happy. They may have three more children to come soon.
This play area was from left over tile that was used to make a patio outside. A plant that is a vine with small white flowers was planted to cover the frame to give shade. It is a beautiful spot where they have many activities.
We will spend time with the children and house parents. Ronald and Gigi want us to answer questions they may have about parenting. Parenting is an on-the-job training. By the time we are grandparents, we have a little more knowledge. Our experience with the orphanage children in China has also given us a little more insight into raising children to become successful adults.
In a joint effort, they have constructed the second house for Save Asian Souls. The roof has been installed this past week so the house will be ready for occupancy in a few months.
It is the same house as the first one but designed inside a little differently since it will only house teenage girls that would be at high risk for trafficking. We hope it will house 24 girls and house parents. There are government restrictions we will face that could change that slightly. The homeless girls in the Philippines are promised jobs in Japan and then they are sold to the brothels instead. We hope to provide hope for some girls that would otherwise become victims of this horrible crime.
I will post pictures and events while we are in the Philippines. Thank you again for following our travels and praying for us and the work in Asia.
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