Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Weekend with Family

Although Ronald and Gigi visited us last October, it seems like a long time since we saw them.  They completed their travels to report to churches in AL, TN, KY, GA and FL.  Ronald's last presentation was Sunday morning at Leigh Ann's congregation, Pinellas Park church of Christ in Clearwater, FL.   We were all present and enjoyed his report for the work in the Philippines.   He also gave an update about our work in ASIA as he will now report on both mission works in the same presentation.   He did an excellent job.  We are very proud of him.   We give Gigi a lot of credit because they are a perfect team, providing a nice display for the foyer table, sign up sheets and brochures about the work.   Traveling for two months has not been easy and they have driven many miles, staying in hotels and snacking.  

Ronald said my breakfast Saturday morning was the best breakfast they had had in a very long time.  We ate out for lunch on Sunday at Cheddars (our treat for everyone's birthday lunch). 


Leigh Ann and I prepared the Sunday evening meal that we had here at our house.    They showered me with birthday gifts Sunday afternoon.   I am blessed to have reached this birthday with relatively good health.  But, the pictures reflect our age and often I feel it too!

Ronald and Gigi will return to their home in the Philippines on Thursday morning.   It is a long 24+ hour trip.   They will face a load of work when they get back.   Things are not usually kept up the two months they are away and school is out next week.   Gigi will be busy keeping the kids busy all summer with activities.  Ronald wants to get the crew back on the construction work to finish their learning center that will be operational by fall.  

They sold their house in Woodstock, GA to the very first buyer the first day it was on the market.  They moved their things to storage until they return in the fall and look for a condo to purchase as their home.  Gigi's VISA has to be renewed on their return trip and they must have a permanent address in the U.S. for it to be approved.  

The large number of new girls are moving into safe house rooms that have been rented for them in two new areas of Nepal.   Some of the girls are 6 and 7 years old but they are eager to live with other girls in a safe house with plenty of clothing and food and get to go to school.    We have many graduating from high school and leaving other safe houses so the new girls will be assigned their sponsors.    

We have been blessed with good workers and enough income to carry on the work without too many difficulties.   One girl has chicken pox and has been taken to the hospital to isolate her and provide better care for her as she is also running a fever.

They are having a 3-day gospel meeting in one area of Nepal and our girls that live there are preparing for a Bible quiz.   

They are taking food they will serve all of the people in these pictures.  How would you like to attend a 3-day meeting in the open area of Nepal?  Everyone will probably sit on the ground (probably sleep on the ground also).   

Our friend, Ellen Mao, will be our next guest, arriving in early July.    She's booked a 2-hour dinner cruise for us around Clearwater and the islands close by.   We will enjoy the beautiful sunset and dinner if the weather cooperates.

We are still praying for our friend, Polly, who will have surgery this week and Malia, who still has a few more chemo treatments before surgery. 

We wish everyone a nice summer and good health.  

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