Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Ronald and Gigi have arrived!

 I got a message a few minutes ago that they have landed in Atlanta.   It does not seem like it's been three months since they were in the U.S.  I know they have had a very busy time at the orphanage and need some rest.   They will enjoy their new condo for the first time since they had just moved into it before they returned home in early December.  

We did not get to see them on their last two trips so we are excited that they will visit us this time before they return home in May.    

Although Gigi is able to sleep a little on the plane, Ronald is too uncomfortable in a small seat and cramped leg room so he's been awake for more than 30 hours before he can get to their condo.    

I remember how exhausted I felt when we arrived at the Atlanta airport after one of these long trips.  One time, while we were waiting for our luggage, Ron said, "Are you ready to go back?"    I gave him a look that caused him to say no more.  One time when we got back, I fell on the couch when we first arrived and he was saying we needed to go buy food.  I was asleep when he left and did not even know when he got back home.   The trips are so exhausting.  I feel for Ronald and Gigi as they make each of these trips back and forth to the Philippines.   They are truly sacrificing (as we did) to do this mission work.   We are proud of them and know God is pleased with their efforts.

They will be visiting congregation to give reports on our work, renew Gigi's VISA/Green Card and have dental work done while they are here. 

Their weekend to come to Florida will be April 26-28.   Ronald will give a report at River Road in New Port Richey on April 27th.   Ron will be preaching.   Afterwards, we will have a potluck lunch at the church building.    We will enjoy our family being together that weekend. 

Please pray for their safety as they travel around for two months.

We are doing fine with mostly warm weather now.   I am always a "happy mama" when my kids are home and safe.

Enjoy daylight saving time change and spring weather coming soon.    God bless you all!

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

I can't believe it!

Checking temperatures across the U.S. and seeing the weather news of the Polar Vortex, I wonder what happened to "global warming?"    I guess the "warming" part didn't work so we changed it to "climate change" and that takes care of it whether it is too hot or too cold.    It has surely been a very cold winter this year and we are even happier now that we are in Florida than before.    While we've had some cool weather, we surely cannot complain.  

Ron has been swimming in our heated (outside) pool at the condo for the past month.   We went down to the pool at 9:30 this morning so he could swim before rain moves in this afternoon.  The exercise seems to be helping.   He's sleeping and eating well after he works out for an hour in the pool.    I go to watch him swim and take my break in the warm sun.   If we go early in the day, there are usually no people at the pool.

We've had our yearly checkups and everything seems okay.  Next week, I will be at the dentists' office to get a crown and filling.   I have endured a lot of dental work due to my dry mouth condition.   God made our systems perfect and when something does not function right, it affects other things.   No saliva for 40 years will surely result in tooth decay.

We still enjoy Leigh Ann's visits every weekend.   We usually put a puzzle together every Sunday afternoon.   Some recent ones were very difficult.   

Ronald and Gigi will return to the U.S. on March 4th for a couple of months.   They will renew Gigi's VISA/green card status.  Ronald has some dental work to complete.   They are looking forward to the first two weeks living in their new condo in Cartersville, GA.    They barely got things moved in before they returned to the Philippines last December.    At the orphanage, they never get a break with 30 kids and the many things that are going on all the time.    They will visit more congregations on this trip and plan to come to see us.   It has been a year since we have seen them so we look forward to their visit.

Our work continues on about the same...caring for approximately 300 girls and being sure they have an opportunity for a good life, a chance for an education and biblical teaching.   Quite a number of girls are baptized each year and become faithful Christian girls.    One girl in Nepal just left the safe house to marry and her new husband is also a Christian.    It is rewarding to us and the girls' sponsors to learn about their success in life.

We have a new safe house to open in Laos soon.   I'll have pictures and details about this new addition on my next post. 

A group of 20 people were recently baptized by one of our church of Christ ministers in Nepal.   They were all from a local Baptist church but upon learning more about the New Testament pattern of worship and becoming Christians, they left that church.   They are meeting in a hen house, on property belong to one of the members.    Ron has raised money to begin construction for a simple church building so they will have a better place to meet for worship.   I hope to have pictures of this to post next time also.

We appreciate so many checking on us and sending best wishes to Ron.   Thank you for your concern and prayers.   

Monday, January 20, 2025

Inauguration Day in D.C. ; Winter weather in U.S.

January 20, 2025...a new beginning with another government being sworn in today on a very cold day in Washington, D.C.    With each beginning, whether a birthday or the first of a new year, we renew our hope for things to be better but more importantly, according to God's will.   We pray for God's blessings on our new leaders that they will have God's will in their plans for this country so we can remain a nation under God.  

The winter has been unusually cold with Florida having the coldest winter in 15 years.    It has not reached freezing in Dunedin but it is cold in January.    The chill of 40's at night has brought us days of wind but not much rain.   It is definitely sweater weather and no beach days so few tourists are in town.  

January is tax letter month so I have spent the past two weeks preparing letters to send our donors.  They are ready to go out and I hope to have the process finished by the end of this week.    I was without internet two days last week but it has been repaired and working well again.   In addition to not having internet last week, our hot water heater had to be replaced.  We do not appreciate things enough when things are working well.   It is only when we have no internet connection or hot water that we realize how our lives depend on these things.

New girls have moved into the latest safe house established in Nepal.   

They have received new clothing as they come with hardly anything except what they are wearing.    

The rented rooms are nice and their beds look great with thick comforters to keep them warm.   

Some of these new girls are really young but there are a few older girls that can serve as big sisters to help care for them.   Some older girls finished school or got married in other locations so their sponsors will be assigned to these new girls.    It is a cycle of new girls coming for our oversight while others move on after a few years with an achievement of education and biblical teaching.     

We are thankful for our faithful supporters helping us care for these 300 or so girls.   We had a very good year in 2024 and anticipate another good year in 2025.     

Ron and I have been well without flu or cold so far this winter.    We begin a new healthcare plan this year with a change in our coverage.   Tomorrow, we have our first check ups with Dedicated Senior Healthcare Clinic in Clearwater.   They want regular check ups but with Ron continuing with his specialists, I'm not sure how often we will need to see the doctors in this clinic.    We will see how it goes and if we are impressed with their level of care.   Ron will see his Parkinson's Disease specialist again on Feb. 19.

We signed up with L A Fitness center under the Silver Sneakers' program.   Several days a week, our schedule permitting, we go to the center and Ron swims for about 30 minutes.   The heated pool is still cold, according to Ron and other swimmers.   So far, I have just helped Ron with his swim vest and made sure he gets in and out of the pool safely.   I can sit and wait until he's ready to get out and then dry him off quickly as he is cold when he gets out.   He endures it because he thinks the exercise is helping him with his mobility.   

According to our weatherman, February will be warmer in Florida and we could have some days in the 70's.   That will be great, if it happens, so we can return to our heated pool here at the condo.  

Looking forward to an early spring and wishing my blog followers a blessed life.