Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Ronald and Gigi have arrived!

 I got a message a few minutes ago that they have landed in Atlanta.   It does not seem like it's been three months since they were in the U.S.  I know they have had a very busy time at the orphanage and need some rest.   They will enjoy their new condo for the first time since they had just moved into it before they returned home in early December.  

We did not get to see them on their last two trips so we are excited that they will visit us this time before they return home in May.    

Although Gigi is able to sleep a little on the plane, Ronald is too uncomfortable in a small seat and cramped leg room so he's been awake for more than 30 hours before he can get to their condo.    

I remember how exhausted I felt when we arrived at the Atlanta airport after one of these long trips.  One time, while we were waiting for our luggage, Ron said, "Are you ready to go back?"    I gave him a look that caused him to say no more.  One time when we got back, I fell on the couch when we first arrived and he was saying we needed to go buy food.  I was asleep when he left and did not even know when he got back home.   The trips are so exhausting.  I feel for Ronald and Gigi as they make each of these trips back and forth to the Philippines.   They are truly sacrificing (as we did) to do this mission work.   We are proud of them and know God is pleased with their efforts.

They will be visiting congregation to give reports on our work, renew Gigi's VISA/Green Card and have dental work done while they are here. 

Their weekend to come to Florida will be April 26-28.   Ronald will give a report at River Road in New Port Richey on April 27th.   Ron will be preaching.   Afterwards, we will have a potluck lunch at the church building.    We will enjoy our family being together that weekend. 

Please pray for their safety as they travel around for two months.

We are doing fine with mostly warm weather now.   I am always a "happy mama" when my kids are home and safe.

Enjoy daylight saving time change and spring weather coming soon.    God bless you all!

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