Our Christmas Eve was very unusual. We were invited to Hong's house in Vientiane, Laos for dinner and an evening with the Save Asian Souls' supported girls. Hong picked us up at our hotel and went to pick up his middle school daughter at school and the two older girls that live in foster homes not far from the school. Hong told us there would be dinner and a little gift swapping and asked that we bring a couple of small gifts to exchange. We had a limit on what we could spend and it was not much but we found a gift shop with all hand-made items. We chose a bracelet with some stones and a notebook made from natural paper that could be used for a diary.
The girls at the house were waiting for us and very excited to see us. The girl holding the baby is Hong's adopted daughter and the baby is his little girl born in September. Nathan is their four-year old and he always steels the show because he has endless energy and he is so much fun for everyone.
Nathan's Santa hat was his costume of the evening. We visited with the girls and asked a lot of questions and just had fun together until it was time for dinner. The girls went to the kitchen and began to prepare the rest of the food and set the table. Table cloths were spread on the floor for some girls and the table was set for us. We enjoyed a meal of steamed fish, rice noodles, and vegetables.
There were tender cabbage leaves to roll up bites of fish along with green onions, dill and cilantro to be eaten with hands. The fish was delicious and not a bite was left when we finished. Five to six fishes were picked to the bone. I teased the girls that they didn't leave anything for the cat because we had skin and bones left over. The meal was really enjoyed by the girls.
After dinner, Hong bought out real pumpkin pies and whipped cream for dessert. Hong works for JoMa Restaurants as a manager over two locations. We ate there most of the time when we ate out because it is like Panera Bread and very delicious selections at reasonable prices. It is very popular.
Ron showed the girls videos about what we do so they understand that we help girls in many locations and they were all very interested.
Hong's wife is standing on the right next to Hong with long hair (grey shirt). She looks as young as the girls but she is a good mother and the girls seem to love her very much. She teaches them how to make the beautiful macramé gifts that they sell to a shop in town. We opened the small gifts and ended a very beautiful evening with some of the sweetest girls you will ever meet.

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