We were planning to leave the Philippines to return to the U.S. on June 3. We had confirmation from Philippine Airlines on Saturday and then on Sunday a cancellation notice arrived. Ron assumed they did not have sufficient passengers to justify the cost of the flight but today Ronald sent us a copy of the government order to keep the airport closed until at least June 7. It is possible that date will be extended again as it has in the past. We are waiting to hear from Philippines Air when we can book again. We don't know just when we can leave to return to the U.S. We can leave quickly should a flight become available but we have to be patient until it happens.
I talked with a friend in Albany, GA today on Facebook and they had two deaths over the weekend. Although people are not forced to stay in, the governor or Georgia has extended the time to recommend that senior citizens of Georgia stay inside until July 12. We know there are other places where it is still not very safe to be out.

The nation of Nepal is still in lockdown. Although travel is not permitted there, we have somehow gotten each local supplier to get rice and lentils (crushed and cooked into a gravy) to Christians and their neighbors in about 45 different villages.
Schools have opened again in Laos but tourism is not expected to come back to these areas this year and the economic situation will be very difficult for most people. The people of Asia often live on daily wages so when there is no work, there is no food. Many businesses in the cities depend on tourism to sustain their lives. No one is traveling this year as airlines are not functioning and that creates no business for hotels, restaurants and many other businesses.
The girls that graduated from our tailoring school were doing well in their shops but no one can afford to have clothing made so their businesses are also on hold until things return to a normal status. They were part of the group that received food in this effort to help the people.

The good news is that three precious girls arrived to have a good life at the Casa Esperanza of Angels home in the Philippines. There are now four girls there ranging in age from 7 to 13 and they have become "best" friends almost overnight.
If you know anyone that wants to sponsor a child at this orphanage at $35 per month, please let me know. Write me at(patbrown10@gmail.com).
This little girl is small for her age of 13 years. She's lived with her grandparents since she was 2 years old. They knew they could not continue to care for her and give her a good life so they wanted her to live as Casa. They know the house mother so they are confident that Arlene will have a wonderful home. Arlene was packed and ready to go when they arrived to pick her up to bring here to Casa. She is overjoyed to have girl friends and live in this beautiful home The children are really enjoying the home schooling and activities planned to keep them busy during the time they are restricted to staying on campus.
We are no different from people all over the world that has been affected by the dreaded COVID-19 virus. We have to continue to be patient and trust in God to see us through these bad times and bring us out on the other side of the mountain we are climbing.
When we know more about leaving the Philippines, I will post again. May God bless each of you with good health and blessings each and every day.