Category 2 tropical storm skirting this portion of the Philippines but having landfall on Northern Samar. We need rain but not this much. It is cloudy and windy today. Maybe we will get some rain as the storm moves on up the side of the Philippines. As I write this, we are getting a really hard shower which has brought the temperature down considerably. It is very hot in the Philippines and the humidity is high which makes the afternoons feel like a sauna. People practically live outside during the hot months and we can understand why with a breeze to help with the heat. The land is flat at the Casa Esperanza of Angels orphanage so they usually have some breeze that helps.
We completed our requested government quarantine on Monday and received our letter and daily temperature record for 14 days. We had confirmed reservations to leave on the 19th and the quarantine letter would be needed at the airport. Either unfortunately or maybe fortunately, the flight was cancelled. They were going to put us on a flight for the 20th but that is the day the American Airlines flight left Japan that we hoped to be on. I think American has only three flights each week from the Narita airport in Tokyo.
Ron worked on reservations all day yesterday trying to make the best possible connections to keep us from spending long hours in airports or overnight in various locations. I think we are booked again to leave on May 26 but we will see if that one leaves Dumaguete airport as stated. I was thinking that maybe leaving on the 19th would have put us in the path of this tropical storm...but I don't have a good sense of direction to know for sure.
The island of Negros continues to be partially closed with restaurants and businesses open only for take out but things are returning to a more normal status. The shutdown was extended in Nepal so our workers are taking l/2 salary (voluntarily) since they are current in sending reports about the girls and they cannot travel to visit the girls. I have had plenty of computer work to keep busy until now but even with some things I can work on, I will have some free time next week.
I've lost a little weight but probably not enough for anyone to notice. We don't have a microwave or oven so with limited cooking utensils, we have kept our meals simple. Ronald and Gigi take our grocery list and bring us fruits, vegetables, meats and drinks. We enjoy a good breakfast of eggs, toast and oatmeal. They have spoiled Ron with ice cream, cookies and homemade desserts so we have not suffered in the least.
I am letting my hair color go so gray hair is showing at my temples and streaks in my brown hair. I will probably look much older and more tired even though we have had more time to rest and a healthy diet. It is just time to let go and enjoy the blessings from God.
I will continue to post as our time continues in the Philippines and as we are permitted to leave to return to the U.S. Thank you for following our Asian adventures and for your good wishes and prayers.
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