Today, May 24, is my official 82nd birthday but since it came 12 hours earlier in the Philippines, I was treated to a special day yesterday. Ronald and Gigi wanted us to come to the orphanage but Ron thought we should continue to stay in so we can honesty say we have been in quarantine for the past two months. There are no cases of the virus on the island. Ron said he was concerned I might pick up a cold from the children and it be mistaken for having the virus. Our quarantine letter from the government is dated two weeks ago but we were not able to get a flight. I wanted to see the children at Casa Esperanza of Angels before we left and say hello to two new little girls that arrived on Friday. Maybe we can go by to just say goodbye on our way to the airport. Our next scheduled date to leave is June 3rd but there's been no official announcement that the airport is open yet. Philippine Air has booked us on a flight to Manila so we will see if that flight actually goes on that day.

Ronald and Gigi dropped off lunch for us yesterday. We had pizza and salad, chocolate cake, (granola for breakfast), a bouquet of red roses and a beautiful card designed by Gigi. Gigi knows I love red roses and these dark red buds are beautiful. I didn't take a picture of the pizza or cake ...sorry. It was very good and I was very thankful for their thoughtfulness and love.
I received on-line cards and messages from other family members as well.
A little later, Cheryl, Gigi's sister stopped by and brought me a vase of roses from Gigi's Mom's garden, another cake and some sweet treats.
Cheryl has offered to take me out for rides or walks but they have done so much for us and continue to do everything they can to be sure we are comfortable. The Olis family is very thoughtful and kind. Ronald is very blessed to have Gigi and this wonderful family in his life
They have many connections on the island that have been very beneficial to building an orphanage.
Many have sent Happy Birthday wishes on Facebook and I am very appreciative of everyone's sweet comments. THANK YOU!
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