Thursday, April 8, 2021

Happenings in Nepal

While there is good news, there is also bad news.   The good news first!   Two of our supported girls in one of our safe houses, were baptized over the weekend.   Taking confession, baptizing and picture following baptisms:

Workers are preparing many sources of income for each safe house to obtain self-stainability with food so they can learn to care for themselves in difficult times of not having jobs.    They are busy learning to have beehives, mushroom farms, fish ponds, raising some chickens, and developing rice paddies, corn fields and vegetable gardens.     It is a busy time for our worker and our girls leaning to help. 

Can you find the Queen Bee or would you like to help
rob the bee hive?

Mushroom farming

Now for the bad news:    We were notified yesterday that an entire village in Nepal burned with 115 homes destroyed.    They have no fire stations, fire trucks with water or any system to put out fires.  The villages are very poor and the construction of houses are easily consumed with fire.   No people were lost but they are in great need of food, clothing and shelter.   Ron is busy getting the word out to raise money to help these poor people.    In third world countries, the government is poor and does not help. 

Spring in the Philippines

There are videos of the children in the Philippines enjoying their Easter egg hunt all over the beautiful campus.   Check Facebook "Casa Esperanza of Angels" if you want to watch the children finding the eggs, then opening the plastic eggs to find the candy.    Each had a sack to collect the eggs and then put their candy in after putting the plastic eggs back in a box to use again next year.    Note how orderly and mannerly the children are throughout the videos.    Simple treats like this are the making of great childhood memories.

The fruits are producing and the flowers are spectacular, not to mention their beautiful skies.   I could not copy one sunset where the sky was bright orange but it is on Facebook.

The Rider Club (a biker group) comes to Casa periodically and brings gifts to the children and entertain them with games.    I know this is another special treat for the children with each of their visits.    Instead of making "field trips" the entertainment comes to the campus.