Tuesday, January 23, 2024

The Busy New Year

For several weeks, I have wanted to post to this blog but there's been too much to do!  The holidays were quiet for us.   Leigh Ann got a stomach bug and did not come over until a week after Christmas.    We enjoyed some unique gifts from her and Tatum.   Tatum sent us a wooden puzzle with small pieces that looked simple but was SO HARD.   Many of the pieces were in the shape of an animal or bird and they fit together in very strange ways.   Once I got a little of the edge done across the top, Ron began to help me.   

It was a wonderful treat for us during the holiday.  Tatum sent glue to coat it and now it is standing on top of my china cabinet next to my tall white candles.

For the past three weeks, I have been preparing tax letters for our donors.   It is a very time-consuming job each January.  We are very thankful for our supporters and the task is important to each of them.  As a result, I've left other work that has come in and now I am busy sending reports on the children in the Philippines and about our girls in all of our many safe houses.   

We have had good news from the Philippines.    One of the young men was baptized a few weeks ago and yesterday two of the girls in the SAS safe house were baptized.   

The minister has been spending a lot of time teaching the children and they are coming to know God and believe in our Savior.   

On Facebook, Casa Esperanza of Angels' video of their worship service featured their singing.   The children and staff raise their voices to God in praise with enthusiasm and it must be a joyful noise to Him.  It sounded beautiful.

They also had wonderful holidays with groups coming to treat them with good food and gifts.   While out of school for the holidays, the children did crafts, had a scavenger hunt, a Bible quiz and many other activities.  

We have had some changes in our Save Asian Souls' work.   Phet, our translator and housemother in Vientiane, Laos got married in November.   

Her husband is from the U.S. and they had difficulty finding a country where they could both get VISA's and marry without a lot of complications.   They married in Paris, France.   How great that must have been for them!  
When they returned to Laos, a reception was held for them on the lawn of her parents' house.   She was a beautiful bride.  We wish them much happiness.

Phet resigned as they plan to live in another location in Laos but eventually, she will get things worked out to come to the U.S.   Her sister and her family were living in the same 3-story house where our girls live so she has become their housemother.    She was doing the shopping, cooking and some of the teaching when we visited there last January so we know she will do a good job.   She doesn't speak English so Hong (another Laos worker) is doing the reports now for all of the Laos safe houses.   We really miss Phet working with us.

Our weather has been cold with most of our nation is a deep freeze.    It was 36 Sunday morning for our lowest temperature this winter.    We have some nights in the 40's and our highs in the 50's or 60's, but today it is over 70 degrees and it feels wonderful even though it is cloudy. We hope spring is coming soon for everyone.  In Florida, we will soon face a lot of extreme heat, humidity and the threat of hurricanes. 

Ron does an hour's exercises every morning, but I prefer walking.   He's ordered me a pedometer and I plan to start a walking routine tomorrow, come rain or shine.   We have sidewalks so it will be safe and easy to walk.    I joined a neighborhood social network in hopes of finding a walking buddy.   I posted and mentioned it and I got a reply "Get a rescue dog as they make the best walking companion."    I am sure that is right but taking care of a dog and the expense of vets and food deters me from choose that companion.  I will walk alone until I can find someone to go with me.

I post beautiful photos of Dunedin on my Facebook page in hopes I can entice some of my "friends" to come visit us this year.    

We hope 2024 will become a better year for everyone.  Our world has many problems and we all have concerns about the economy, the open border and risk of terrorists but we must remember that God is with us no matter what perils we face in life.    We must continue to trust in Him and be faithful whether we live or die.   

Thanks to all for your loving friendship, encouragement and support.    Wishing my readers good health and much happiness in the new year!