Thursday, November 19, 2020

Wishing everyone a happy Thanksgiving holiday!

This is an important time of the year for most of us.   While it may be because of the good food we enjoy, it means much more than just enjoying a good meal.   For many, it will be a sad time because families cannot be together.   It may be sad because a family member's place is left empty because they have passed away.  It may be even harder for some people this year with COVID-19 interrupting all of our lives.    My hope is that all of my followers, friends, family and supporters of our mission work are well and thankful for our many blessings.  Hard times just mean that we hunker down, keep our faith and continue to move forward until things get better.    

Thankfulness should be in the hearts of everyone.   God blesses us even when we are not deserving or appreciative.    We often overlook the many good things in our lives when things do not go our way.  Even winter brings on the blues and we grumble.   I was thinking this morning as it is very cold in North Georgia, how thankful I am that I did not live during the pioneer days when life was one disaster after another.   If you are old enough to remember "The Little House on the Prairie" you know what I mean.  Many of our mothers and grandmothers lived through very hard times compared to what we go through these days.

Solomon in his wisdom, reminds us that to everything there is a season and a time for us to rejoice and a time to be sad.    

When I think of those who have lost jobs, worried about how they will live and support their families, our worries are minor.   Just focus on your blessings, as I try to do, and be thankful.   God is with us and who can be against us?   

In the Philippines, our son and daughter-in-law's orphanage is caring for children who would be wandering the streets looking for food.   Our girls in the safe houses in Thailand, Nepal and Laos would be living in shacks during the cold winter and have nothing more than a bowl of rice each day.   Some are so poor they go into the forest to look for food just as the animals have to do to survive.   What hope do these people have?   Where is their joy and thankfulness?

Reflecting on these things, I just want to wish everyone a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING and encourage you to be THANKFUL.

Thank you to all who help with our mission work to provide a better life for others and give them a hope of Heaven.

God bless you all.

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