Monday, January 18, 2021

We are surely blessed!

We are in the middle of January and so far we have not had severe weather.   In North Georgia, we have nearly freezing temperatures often at night and early morning but many days get into the 50's in the afternoons.   If there is wind, it is still quite chilly outside but we are blessed for this good weather that is predicted for the next 10 days also.   February may prove to be a challenge but once it ends, spring will be around the corner.    

We are still waiting to get on a list to get the vaccine.   In the meantime, we are staying at home.  The virus has been really bad in the Atlanta area so we are not taking chances.    We know of many who have had a very rough time after getting the virus and they are all much younger than we are.   I don't actually think it will end but continue to linger and cause problems year after year much as the flu.   We may need a shot every year to protect ourselves.

I read that 9,000 illegal immigrants are heading to the U.S.   How many will cause the pandemic to continue?   Time will tell.

Our work continues to go well, managing it here from our cozy bedroom office.   In Nepal, many poor Christian families have been given 30 kg of rice and blankets.  It gets very cold in the Himalayan mountain villages.   The people have to walk down the mountains to the road where our workers are with loads of food in rented trucks.   They carry the heavy loads on their backs (or heads) back up the mountain to their homes.   We wonder how these people survive.   Without work and no available farm land, it seems impossible for them to have enough food.   What we are doing is very little but they are very happy to receive the help

All of our girls have been given winter clothing, warm pads for their beds and blankets.   They always have enough food and comfortable places to live.   We received information sheets for six new girls today and the houses where they live are inadequate shelters.    

Although the weather is warm in the Philippines, the kids come from such poverty, it is also a very bad situation.   Some kids roam the neighborhoods begging for food or stealing it when they can.   Fathers find money for alcohol, cigarettes and cock fighting bets but can't feed their children.    The children are not taught and grow up to be the same kind of people.   When we can take them into the orphanage and let them grow up with good things and learn right from wrong, they can become educated and responsible adults to start their families on a different path.

A girl we supported in China is now married and is giving back to help others.   Not many will do that but most will appreciate the help they are receiving.   It will make a difference in their lives

Our workers in all the safe house areas (Thailand, Laos and Nepal) are teaching the girls to have a garden to learn how to grow their own food   When possible, they are renting land to plant rice.   In Laos, they have their own fish pond to provide food for themselves in addition to their garden.   Our worker in Laos has taken supplies to the poor Christian villages up the Mekong River so they can plant gardens on the hillsides and pump up water from the river to their gardens.   There are hundreds of Christians living in poor conditions in Laos.  The communist government does not help them.

Our new house for girls in the Philippines is very beautiful and they are locating girls that need a home so we will fill the house before too long.    These girls are being homeschooled along with the children in the first house.  They will also learn to help with the garden and do house chores.

We take care of about 220 girls in Nepal, 40 in Laos, 11 in Thailand and 4 in the Philippines but these numbers will be increasing soon.  

We thank all of our supporters and sponsors of the girls.   Without the income we could not do the work.   Even without traveling full-time to raise funds, our work has been able to continue at the same pace and we are grateful for everyone's help.

May God be with you and keep you safe and healthy this new year.   

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