Monday, June 20, 2022

A Busy 30 Days!

We have anticipated the arrival of Philip, Wendy and Deborah Zheng from Shanghai, China for some time.  Once their VISA was approved for them to come to the U.S. and work with SAS to assure the future of this work, they were in lockdown in their apartment due to Covid-19.   For three months, they were not allowed to leave the building.   They could make a grocery list but it would take up to five days for delivery and then many things were different from what they ordered.   Philip said many people in their building came the closest to starvation that they have ever experienced in their lives.   They had two days to get vaccinations and to the airport before sections of Shanghai were shut down again.    

They arrived at our house about midnight on Wednesday night, June 8th.    They endured jet lag for the next four days and came awake long enough to eat and go back to sleep.   Jet lag is terrible but to reduce the symptoms quickly, a person has to get outside for some sunlight and not sleep in the afternoon.   I know it is unbearable to stay awake until bedtime but that is the only way to reset the body's clock.  Their bodies stayed on China time for four days!   Gradually, they began to stay up a little more and this week they are doing well.

Originally, Philip thought they would live in Houston where they know some people but he said they could live anywhere.   Ron contacted the attorney in TX that plans to work with us in the future and he said he could report to all of the churches in TX next year.  

We all had a great interest in finding a good school for Deborah (their 12-year-old daughter).  With the many problems we hear of happening in some public school systems, this became a critical  consideration.    The decision was made to see if we could get her enrolled in the Columbia Christian Academy in Columbia, Tennessee.   We have learned that grades 9-12 are full but after submitting an application, they have responded by setting a date for Deborah to take a 7th grade test in July.   That is a hopeful sign that there are openings and she will be accepted as a student there.

Neither Philip nor Wendy can drive.    Wendy had a little driver training while they were at the Memphis School of Preaching so she plans to take driver's ed first and get her license ASAP.   Chuck Jordan, a deacon at the Red Boiling Spring church of Christ, has a used car lot in Lafayette, TN so he will locate a dependable used car and take it to them when she is ready for it.  Living in a small town will be to their advantage as they are learning to drive.    We also expected rent and cost of living to be cheaper there than living in a larger city such as Nashville.   

Last week, Ron and Philip searched the internet and tried to reach apartment complexes in Columbia. but most did not answer the phone or call back.    We all went to Columbia on Thursday and visited one complex after the other, checking them off because there were no vacancies.    We checked on houses for rent and the decent one already had a contract.  We did not expect to find a severe housing shortage there.  The last complex we visited as we were running out of time about 3 p.m. was the Greymere Apartments and they had two 2-bedroom apartments available.   We got to see one and it was very nice but more expensive than they were planning.   But, they are within l/2 mile of Greymere church of Christ, across the street.   The apartment complex is next to a nice country club and golf course so it is a very safe and beautiful area.   I guess it was available because they had higher rent. It is also about 2 miles from the Christian school where we hope Deborah will attend school. 

The application for the apartment had to be done on-line.   Since SAS will guarantee the rent, the form was not set up for this and they had trouble submitting it.   Proof of their legal status had to be sent and since they will have no way of checking any of their contacts in Shanghai, they will have to check out SAS's stability.   We are waiting for an approval.  

If they are accepted as renters for one of the available apartments, we will take them back to Columbia and spend a couple of days purchasing the basic furniture and having it delivered.   I have enough basic kitchen stuff we used in the RV to give them until they have time to shop.  We may have to stay in a motel overnight to accomplish this and get them some groceries and settled into the apartment.    They can walk to church and have groceries delivered in the future.   Wendy will have to get her license to drive soon (before Deborah starts to school or find a ride for her).   

Philip and Ron are going over all the operation of SAS and he is learning the ropes about managing this mission work.   Ron does not intend to retire but continue on as long as the Lord wills.   We need to have men fully trained to step in and keep the work afloat whenever Ron is unable to continue.   Wendy is leaning my work so she can be my back-up.    There are times when I am overwhelmed with too much work so she will be a great relief to assist me and be able to either take over my job or train someone else when the time comes.

I will post again when they have settled into an apartment.   We pray that this will be a successful and happy relocation for them and a successful future for SAS under Philip's leadership.

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