Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Home safely and thankful

After a quick two-week trip to Texas, we arrived home in Woodstock, GA yesterday.    From just south of Dallas to Corpus Christi, TX, Ron reported to some of the congregations that support our work.   As we had opportunity, we met with individual supporters in each location also.   We could not see everyone on this fast-paced trip, but we were very happy to see many people we had not seen in three or more years.  Due to Covid-19, we could not make visits in previous years.     We were happy to see many wonderful supporters and friends on this good trip.

We drove several thousand miles.   I have not completed our mileage log.  I don't have an exact total of miles driven, but it was a lot.  We are thankful we had no incident that delayed us.   We did not even see an accident while traveling.   Ron did the majority of the driving and did an excellent job.   I relieved him for an hour, here and there, to let him rest a while.  I can't drive after dark, and I am too stressed to drive through large cities, but in between cities, I provided Ron with some rest.    Due to our 12 years of living in and Ron driving an RV, I have not had a great amount of driving experience in a long time.

In Texas, the speed limit is usually 75 mph even on side roads that are almost like county roads.  But they are straight, and you can see for miles.    They have wide shoulders on the roads and if you see a fast-moving truck behind you, it is common to pull over onto the shoulder and let the vehicle pass.  Everything may be bigger in Texas, but everything is also faster.    If you see a pick-up truck coming, you can be sure they will be traveling about 10 miles over the speed limit, no matter what the limit is.  Even on the interstates, the speed us usually 75 and speeders are weaving in and out of traffic at speeds exceeding 80 mph.   With such heavy traffic and so many speeders, we feel very blessed to have made this trip safely.   We have State Farm Insurance and a monitor on the windshield so we can get a discount for safe driving so we maintained the speed limit (or below) and stayed in the right lane as much as we could to avoid irritating fast-moving drivers.

With this trip, we completed our reporting on the SAS work for 2022.    We have about 10 days to catch up from the trip, complete some of the computer work we could not do on the trip, wash clothing, repack for the five-month trip to Asia and prepare the house to leave.  

Thank you to all of our supporters and friends who follow our work and support the cause to provide a safe home, an education and spiritual teaching to vulnerable girls who live in poverty and have no hope for a good future.

I will continue posting to my blog and hope to provide pictures of our trip to Thailand and visits to our safe houses in other countries if we have opportunity to visit them.

May God bless each of you!   Thank you for your prayers for us, our family, the workers and girls we care for in Asia.

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