Friday, November 12, 2021

Prayers needed for the church in New Zealand

From a missionary's newsletter: 

New Zealand is in a place of political and social turmoil. You will likely not be seeing it in the media because NZ has been the poster child of Covid-19 response. After a year and a half of keeping the country isolated from the outside world, the virus is becoming uncontrollable (inevitably) and the only preparation being made by the government is the enforcing of vaccine mandates. Our Prime Minister recently admitted that NZ would now be a "two class system" in which unvaccinated people have less rights than the vaccinated. Today, all unvaccinated teachers in New Zealand were fired from their jobs. This is all wreaking havoc in the congregations, where there are Christians on either side of the debate. PLEASE pray for our unity. The Wellington congregation will be meeting on Sunday to decide whether or not to enforce the government's vaccine mandate on worship assemblies. If they decide not to, they could face a fine of $10,000 each time they assemble without checking every visitor's "vaccine passport" (and turning away all unvaccinated).  

There are hopeful things going on in the work here, but the shadow of gloom seems to be over everything at the moment. Please pray for us.

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